“Hope Restored Home”

Jackson, MI

It all begins with an idea. Then it takes hard work and commitment to make the change. Maybe you want to change the lifestyle you have been living in? Maybe you want to be a better father and a better Role model? Whatever it is, here in our program we will get you on the right track and help you make the changes your children and community deserve! 

Bibles & Burgers and Resurrection Resources are currently in a capitol campaign to turn a property at 233 W. Wilkins St. into a transitional house for single dads who are homeless and trying to change their lives. The goal of the property will be to house the families for a 3-to-6-month period to help them get back on their feet. We will offer employment through one of the ministries to compensate for housing expenses. We have a local network of resources and food pantries to also assist with food and meals to save on expenses. The house is only one block from the interfaith shelter who we also partner with. The team there provides 3 meals a day to those in the community as well.

Bibles & Burgers will have board member Toby Hill on the property overseeing the day-to-day operations. Toby is currently employed at JPS Parkside as part of the security team and has a phenomenal record for maintaining peace in our local school district and keeping our students safe. Toby will live on sight to assure no drugs, alcohol, or weapons are in the house. He will also make sure our residents are maintaining employment and keeping on their case plan we will assign to them.

This location will be a transitional house. When a Father falls on hard times, we want to come along side of them and give them a hand up not a handout. We will set a limited amount of time for them to stay and achieve the goals they need to set in place for self-sustainability. Upon achieving these goals and providing resources to help, we will connect them with our partners at Jackson Housing commission, community action agency, or the Jackson Landlord association to help them transition to permanent housing along with permanent employment through our local factory and small business partners.

Currently we have dumpsters delivered and work in progress. It will be an extensive process to bring the house up to city code. The house will require flooring, drywall work, Painting (interior and exterior), Driveway, furnace, and Air conditioning along with some new appliances. A rough estimate to get us started will be about $25,000.00. Bibles & Burgers started with our budget of $10,000.00 from Resurrection Resources who is currently raising funds through local work they are performing in the community. As executive director of both ministries and a background in General contracting and construction I will be able to limit a lot of our expenses through our local volunteers along with allowing the fathers to trade work for time they receive to stay at the house.

We want the men we help to feel like family to us. Our goal is self-sustainability, life changes, and a lifelong commitment to bettering their future along with their community. We are asking for you to partner with us and help these families find their purpose in life here in Jackson.

Sponsorships are available


Platinum- $5,000.00(Receive a plaque with your business, school, church, or personal name on the property entrance)

Gold- $2,500.00

Silver- $1,000.00

Bronze- $500.00

Fatherhood Program sign up.

Interested in our fatherhood Program? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!